A letter to you… his teacher…

My concern is you are dealing with a brilliant little boy who is taking medication in order to help make him “school” teachable. I’m risking his well being to make life easier on you. I’m interchanging medication because he’s not the ideal child in your classroom. When things aren’t going as expected he is being punished to “behave” within your expected guidelines.  Where do I as a parent draw the line and expect you to work within his guidelines? To convert your expectations of the ideal child into non-ideal solutions?

This isn’t going to be easy, this is going to be hard. This is going to require even more thought and effort on your part then me as his parent. You are going to run into expectations from the state, from your superiors, from me, to meet all their guidelines while serving him as a child who needs the same education and support as those “ideal” children around him. So what are your plans?